Stockport Designs and Build is a well established building company offering all aspects of Groundwork in Manchester, Stockport and throughout the North West.
What do we do on a standard house?
- Create entry into and clear site
- Lay hard base for access, deliveries and site storage
- Strip topsoil and store for reuse when applicable
- Set out house/structure to a suitably positioned profile
- Mark out centre line of the dig
- Excavate foundation trenches to indicated or required depth
- Load spoil into dumpers for on-site storage/load spoil into tipper lorries for disposal off site
- Clean and bottom out trenches
- Position level pegs to indicate top of concrete
- Pour and lay footings concrete
- Lay foundation blockwork to dpc level putting in cranked ventilators, necessary drainage exit lintels and/or sleeving for services (sometimes done by bricklayers)
- Level out subsoil in oversite
- Backfill trenches outside the building
- Fill cavities with lean-mix concrete
- Position floor beams on damp proof course
- Fill and consolidate hardcore to oversite
- Sand blind hardcore
- Lay damp-proof membrane
- Position below-slab insulation
- Lay further damp-proof membrane
- Lay oversite concrete
- Excavate trenches for foul and surfacewater drainage
- Lay drainage runs on pea shingle bringing upstands to positions though oversite
- Haunch over all below-ground drainage in pea shingle
- Build all manholes
- Connect foul drainage to foul sewer/the boundary for road connection by others/install septic tank/cesspool/mini sewage treatment plant. Install and lay any weeper drainage or outlets
- Construct soakaways and connect surface water drains
- Backfill all drainage trenches
- Excavate all service trenches and backfill when supplies are laid
- SCarry out specified and agreed hard and soft landscaping and fencing
- Lay driveways, pathways and patios to agreed specification